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CIS120Linux Fundementals

chown, chgrp and passwd Commands

In Linux, managing file ownership and user passwords is crucial for system security and user management. The chown, chgrp, and passwd commands are essential tools for these tasks. Understanding these commands allows administrators to effectively control file access and maintain secure user accounts.

NOTE: You will not have permissions to do these commands on the Cidermill server.

The chown Command

The chown command stands for "change owner." It is used to change the ownership of files and directories. In Linux, each file and directory is associated with an owner and a group. The chown command allows the superuser (root) or a user with the necessary permissions to change the owner of a file or directory.

Basic usage of chown:

chown [owner] [file]

To change the owner of a file:

sudo chown alice file.txt

This command changes the owner of file.txt to alice. The sudo command is used because changing ownership typically requires superuser privileges.

To change the owner and group of a file:

sudo chown alice:developers project/

This command changes the owner of the project directory to alice and the group to developers.

To recursively change ownership:

sudo chown -R alice:developers /home/alice

This command recursively changes the owner and group of all files and directories within /home/alice to alice and developers.

The chgrp Command

The chgrp command stands for "change group." It is used to change the group ownership of a file or directory. This command is useful when you need to change the group associated with a file or directory without modifying the owner.

Basic usage of chgrp:

chgrp [group] [file]

To change the group of a file:

sudo chgrp developers file.txt

This command changes the group of file.txt to developers.

To recursively change the group of a directory:

sudo chgrp -R developers /project

This command recursively changes the group of all files and directories within /project to developers.

The passwd Command

The passwd command is used to change a user's password. This command can be used by any user to change their own password or by the superuser to change the password of another user. Changing passwords regularly is an essential practice for maintaining system security.

Basic usage of passwd:

passwd [username]

To change your own password:


This command prompts the user to enter their current password, followed by the new password. The password must meet the system's complexity requirements.

To change another user's password:

sudo passwd alice

This command allows the superuser to change the password for the user alice. The superuser is prompted to enter the new password for alice.

To lock a user's password:

sudo passwd -l alice

This command locks alice's password, preventing the user from logging in.

To unlock a user's password:

sudo passwd -u alice

This command unlocks alice's password, allowing the user to log in again.


To change the owner of a file:

sudo chown bob report.txt

This changes the owner of report.txt to bob.

To change the group of a directory:

sudo chgrp managers /reports

This changes the group of the /reports directory to managers.

To change your own password:


The user is prompted to enter their current password and then the new password.

To change another user's password:

sudo passwd john

The superuser is prompted to enter a new password for the user john.

To recursively change the owner and group:

sudo chown -R user1:team1 /home/user1

This changes the owner to user1 and the group to team1 for all files and directories within /home/user1.


The chown, chgrp, and passwd commands are essential for managing file ownership and user passwords in Linux. chown changes the owner (and optionally the group) of files and directories, chgrp changes the group ownership, and passwd changes user passwords. These commands help maintain proper access controls and ensure the security of the system. Understanding how to use these commands effectively is a crucial skill for Linux administrators.