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CIS120Linux Fundementals

Welcome to the CIS120 Intro to Linux Book

To succeed in this course, you must engage with the book's examples. If you don't, you may struggle to fully grasp the material. Please take notes on any topics you don't understand and bring those questions to class.

Below is a description of the side navigtaion area links:

Show All Chapters

This link will display all the book chapters on a single webpage. You can use your browser's search feature (Ctrl+F in Chrome) to find keywords throughout the entire book (website). For example, if you want to read about PHP arrays, open the browser search and type 'array' to quickly navigate to every instance where the word 'array' is used.

Individual Chapters

Clicking on the chapter will allow you to see the chapter topics and click on them to see the information


This book is responsive so if yo are on a phone, the side menu will be replaced with a hamburger symbol (three lines horizontally). Clicking on the hamburger symbol will cause the side menu to appear.